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 tempat hiburan malam merupakan salah satu tempat peredaran narkoba di Jakarta.
Sejumlah diskotek dan warung remang-remang yang berada di kawasan Pasar Rumput, Manggarai, Jakarta Selatan dirazia petugas gabungan dari TNI, Polri, dan Satpol PP, Rabu (15/10) dinihari..
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Raid Against Drugs Held in Pasar Rumput

Some discotheque and nightspot located at Pasar Rumput, Manggarai, South Jakarta were raided by joint personnel from Army, Police, and Satpol PP, Wednesday (10/15) daybreak.

The raid is aimed to prevent unwanted things such as drugs and sharp weapon abuse

The raid was intended to anticipate the potential of security threats and discipline around Manggarai and South Jakarta. Moreover, nightclub is one of drug circulation places in Jakarta.

"The raid is aimed to prevent unwanted things such as drugs and sharp weapon abuse," said AKBP Audie Latuheru, Chief of Setiabudi Sector Police.

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Audie added that the raid was also intended to curb illegal business place. "We also curb business place without license," Audie added.

One of the raided nightclubs was Virgo discotheque around Pasar Rumput. The joint personnel directly inspected the visitor identity luggage.

The raid which was held from 00.30 to 03.00 AM found nothing. However, Audie stated, his side will keep hold the raid continually and randomly.

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